Our plans for next month's meeting (which will be held on December 17th) include having a short meeting and then having a party. Our plans will be much the same as last year for our gift exchange; just bring something from your sewing room that you have no use for to exchange. Also, if anyone could bring food, that would be nice too. And don't forget Friday Night Sew on December 4th!
There has been an almost complete shift of officers for next year. The new officers are as follows;
Charlotte B. - Community Service
Pat Y. - Block of the Month
Romme D. - Treasurer
Katie D. - Internet Resources
Katie D. - Secretary
Becky O. - President
The decision has been made to drop the office of Program Chairman as there was no one willing to volunteer for the position (quite understandably so - it's a very difficult job). We have instead decided to adopt a new system for the new year so that there is not just one person burdened with the responsibility. Some members signed up to come up with a program for a month (though we don't yet have a full calendar, but there is plenty of time to fill it out). After we get someone signed up to manage each month of 2016, everyone will email their ideas to the secretary, who will then put it up on the blog so we all have a clear idea of what is to come, since there will be no program chairman's bulletin at the beginning of the year.
Now, regarding our President's Challenge quilts: there were six lovely quilts brought in, all with their own unique character. They were are circular in their own way.
And now for a few quilts from show and tell: