Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Binding Part 1

One of our members shares thier binding practices. Pinning and markings are optional.

Horizontal Cut Binding
The binding is horizontal strips cut 2.5 inches wide.
The binding strip length needs to measure the perimeter of the quilt plus about 10 inches.
If the perimeter of your project is greater than the width of your fabric, from which you are cutting your binding, you will need to join multiple strips together.

A quick vocabulary lesson.
The right side of fabric refers to the front of the fabric. The wrong side of fabric refers to the back of the fabric.

Joining Binding Strips
To join strips place fabric strip ends right (front) sides together, at 90 degrees as seen in the photo below. Solid color fabric is more forgiving about identifying right and wrong (back) sides, but there is a difference.
If you extend the ends slightly past each strip it is easier to follow the diagonal stitch line.
Connecting the strips at 90 degrees helps to cut down on bulk.

Sew along the diagonal line. Painters tape works well as an optional sew guide to marking. Both practices are illustrated below.

Iron the seam open before cropping as seen below.

Cut (crop) the excess fabric from the seam. Use any of your tools that have quarter inch markings to measure the seam (if you wish) as seen below. Meauring the seam is optional.

Now the fabric is sewn together. Keep joining strips until the length of the binding strip is greater than the perimeter of your quilt by about 10 inches.

Iron the binding lengthwise in half (right side of fabric to the outside).

Connect Binding to Quilt Front
Pin where you want to begin to sew. Pin the binding raw edges to the quilt's raw edge beginning about 10 inches from the end of the binding and about in the middle of the longest side of the quilt.

This ends part 1 of binding

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