Friday, December 18, 2015

December Meeting

We had a wonderful meeting last night! Several of our members attended, and I think we all had fun.

Since I have now assumed the duties of secretary, I thought that perhaps I could save myself some time and instead of typing a long description of our meeting, I could just pep up the minutes a little and put them on instead of stating what happened twice. Sounds more practical, doesn't it?

Minutes : 

Call to order- 
Katie, Romme, Sue, Rosemary, Pat O, Maxine, Jeannie, Pat Y, Dixie, Charlotte, and Carolyn were present. 
Treasurers report-  Books still not received, but Romme guessed about $xxx.xx in checking. 
Romme handed out the Block of the Month
Sue showed her finished block of the month blocks made in Kansas Troubles fabrics
Community service report- The decision was made to make more quilts of valor before drawing for donation. The group Quilt of Valor is pieced. The possibility of receiving a discount for community service machine quilting from Cuts and Bolts was discussed. 
Programs- Charlotte will be hosting the January program. Jeanie signed up for August and Maxine took March for 2016 programs. The only months left with no volunteers to host the programs are July and November. Katie said that she would like the volunteers of each month to email her with their programs as soon as they were sure what they would be doing. She will be making a calendar on the blog and Facebook so guild members and others could be aware of what the month's programs are ahead of time so they could coordinate their schedules. 
Friday night sew in January- cancelled because of holiday 
Next month's program - Charlotte B. will be hosting a workshop on a pattern called "Paper Pieced Arrows". 
Meeting adjourned.  

Charlotte will be posting the materials list and other specifications for her paper pieced arrow project next month. Please check here for updates.  
And aside from that business meeting, we had a nice little party. We exchanged gifts and had some nice food (thanks to everyone who brought something!) and we had a lovely chat. It was a wonderful way to end this year and get ready for next year! 
Lastly, before I put on the pictures, I just want to extend a very, very big thanks to everyone for everything they've done this year. We're a small (and admittedly struggling) guild, and sometimes that makes it hard to get things done, but we have exceptionally talented, kind, and hard-working members who are willing to do a lot for the guild that have made all that we have done this year possible. 
The group Valor Quilt.  

Sue's Kansas Troubles blocks. 


 Sue's finished Mystery Quilt project.


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